Within the Tides & Typhoon and Other Stories = Приливы и отливы. Тайфун. Т. 15: на англ.яз
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  • Within the Tides & Typhoon and Other Stories = Приливы и отливы. Тайфун. Т. 15: на англ.яз

Within the Tides & Typhoon and Other Stories = Приливы и отливы. Тайфун. Т. 15: на англ.яз

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ID товара37947
Код товара8662510
Издательство Т8 RUGRAM
ЖанрАнглийский язык
Серия Original. The Complete Works of
Год издания2018
Кол-во страниц436
Тип обложкиТвердая
Вес, г669
Возрастные ограничения16+
Автор: Conrad J., «Within the Tides & Typhoon and Other Stories = Приливы и отливы. Тайфун. Т. 15: на англ.яз»: Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. Written at various times, under various influences, these short stories are linked by Conrad's treatment of loyalty and betrayal. Typhoon is the story of one unremarkable steamship captain, pitted against a storm of incredible fury. Captain MacWhirr has a reputation as a solid, steadfast man, who "having just enough imagination to carry him through each successive day, and no more" cannot fully believe any storm would be a match for his powerful ship. When the barometer and other clues begin to hint at trouble ahead, he is only moderately concerned and unwilling to change course and lose precious time-a decision that may prove more costly than he could ever have imagined. The tone of other stories in the volume shifts from the pathos of Because of the Dollars to the gothic The Inn of the Two Witches and the grim humour of The Partner.
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